The God Of The Tabernacle – Pastor Isaac Ogbonlato
A little boy wanted to do something bad but he decided that he had better go under the roof to do it so that God looking down from heaven will not see him. Little did the boy knows and understands one of the natures of God who is omnipresence; He is everywhere at all times. Psalm 139:7-10. 1Chronicles 16:9 made it clear that His eyes run to and fro the earth
Text: Isaiah 6:1-8. Ref Exodus 33:18 Exodus 34:6-8 Phil 3:10
The desire and the expectation of God in this morning convention service is to see that by the help of God the unveiling of the nature and the attributes of the God you want to tabernacle with {co-habit or dwell with} as Amos 3:3 says can two walk together unless they agreed. Friendship is enhanced by building a positive relationship. You cannot co-habit with the God you don’t know
For a quick reminder, the tabernacle in the Jewish history is a portable sanctuary constructed by Moses as a place of worship for the Hebrew tribes during the period of wandering that preceded their arrival in the promise land. God gave the order and the pattern to Moses. Exodus 25:8 “and let them make a sanctuary that I may dwell among them according to all that I shew thee after the pattern of tabernacle and pattern of all instruments therefore, even so shall ye make it”. Interestingly, we have a spiritual tabernacle in Jesus, Hebrew 9:2-7 who wants to dwell with us, stay and abide with us.
One big question that we must find answer to is; Do we have the knowledge of the personality, attributes and nature of this great God we want to tabernacle or dwell with?
Moses in Exodus 33:18 beseeched the Lord to see His glory, he saw more than just the splendor and beauty of God. Many only have the mental knowledge of God, but there is no deeper revelation of who God is.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit and those who will worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. God is not seen physically yet His presence is tangible and felt by those who are in the spirit. You cannot access His presence with canal mind. Psalm 24:3-6. Carnality will limit your flow in the realm of the Spirit, Luke 24:39 and block your vision. Romans 8:6
1John 1:5, This is the message which we have heard of Him and declare unto you that God is light and in Him there no darkness at all. Therefore, to dwell with the God of the tabernacle you must disassociate yourself from every work of darkness and stay in the light. Ephesians 5:11, as citizens of the kingdom, you have no relationship with darkness. In the world of sexual perverseness and all manners of ungodly and rebellious attitudes, we must be identified with Christ. Don’t celebrate ungodly people and their activities. Speak against it, stay pure and stand out. Stay in the light and shine.
Love refers to the very act of God’s nature. His love is expressed in His grace, mercy and kindness, goodness and benevolence towards all His creation. This act of love led Him to the cross. John 3:16. As beneficiaries of His love we must replicate the same to Him and to others. 1 John 4:7-8
A cutlass or knife has two edges, one is blunt and one is sharp. God is not only loving, kind and merciful; He is also a consuming fire. Exodus 24:16-18, Hebrew 12:29. 1Samuel 2:26 Hannah said He killeth and maketh alive. He consumed Nadab and Abihu the two sons of Aaron when they offered strange fire to the Lord. Leviticus 10:1-2 don’t be too familiar with God to take His grace for granted you can be GRANDED.
Holiness is His nature. He is pure, free of blemish and corruption. God is the fountain of holiness and sanctification. To tabernacle with Him we must be Holy, for without Holiness we cannot see Him. And as sons and daughters of the kingdom, we must take after our father 1 Peter 1:16 is a command and not an appeal; Be ye Holy for I am Holy.
A little boy wanted to do something bad but he decided that he had better go under the roof to do it so that God looking down from heaven will not see him. Little did the boy knows and understands one of the natures of God who is omnipresence; He is everywhere at all times. Psalm 139:7-10. 1Chronicles 16:9 made it clear that His eyes run to and fro the earth
God has ability to forgive and justify the broken and repentant sinners. Psalm 103:8; the Lord is merciful and gracious. He forgives and justifies but at the same time cherishes repentance. Of this, Jesus told the woman caught in adultery to go and sin no more John 8:1-11. A second chance was given to the prodigal son. Luke 15:11-32. Don’t ever take the grace of God for granted, it can bring disgrace.
The more you know this God the better you enjoy Him and his presence with you. Daniel 11:32b