Moving From Obscurity To Relevance- Pastor James E. Okon


Permit me to say that the Lord has returned me to Lagos to rekindle the flame of Evangelism. To RAISE the banner of The Apostolic Church as the Lord has given our father the LAWNA Territory Chairman the vision of RAISE. I am bold to say the flame of Evangelism is still burning in my spirit, and now in my return as the Superintendent, one of our missions will be Evangelism. I know that there are men and women, boys and girls who are ready to rekindle this flame and make Evangelism their priority in Lagos Area.  We really need to fill our Assemblies with people, and plant new Assemblies. Souls are perishing outside. 




It is with great joy I stand before you to give glory to God who has made his covenant to be fulfilled in my life today.  I can say like Hannah the mother of Samuel that, “He raises the poor from the dust, and lifts the beggar from the ash heap, to set them among royalty, and make them inherit the throne of glory.” (1 Sam 2:8). The Lord has really raised me from obscurity to relevance. He has lifted me and given me a place of honor in the royal palace of The Apostolic Church Nigeria. Lagos Area, Ebute Metta is a royal palace of TACN. I therefore, sincerely appreciate my father, The LAWNA Territory Chairman and Vice President of The Apostolic Church Nigeria, Pastor (Dr.) S. G. O. Uyeh JP, who has imposed enough confidence in me to have posted me to this Area at this crucial time.

People of God, it may interest you to know that this is my 3rd Missionary journey to Lagos Area.  My first arrival was as an intern in 1978, a young worker (now known as Assistant Pastor) and a fresh graduate of the Bible College Ilesa. I was seconded alongside my colleagues – among whom were Pastor P. F Usman, Pastor Omirin, Pastor Akpan, among others. I got married in 28/08/1982 in this church hall. We were ordained as Pastors in 1980, before I was posted to Agidingbi. My second coming was in 2012 as a District Apostle of Palmgrove District, then, going through a baptism of fire. Thereafter, I received the grace to be returned as an Area Superintendent to Zaria Area. Now, I have been posted, by the grace of God, for the third time to Lagos, as the 10th Lagos Area Superintendent in 2024. What a destiny, What a History? To God be the glory.

During my first coming to this Assembly as Young Minister, the Lord inspired me to raise a team of Evangelists known as CITA – Christ is the Answer. The team comprised the then members of the Ebute Meta Witness Movement, Male and Female some alive and some deceased. – I have some of them in this service this morning.  This team had the mandate of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in this community to Otto, Iddo and its environment. Most of the time by train, molue, hospital and going from street to street.  Our exploits brought great persecution to us.  The Lord helped us to concentrate on Otto with divers miracle during our outing which later gave birth to the Assembly known as Otto Assembly which is still in existence till today.   This speech will not be complete without mentioning these heroes of Evangelism in Ebute Metta Assembly. They were: Brother Emmanuel Olukamikun Soyemi – Now a Pastor in MFM, Brother Peter  Rasheed Ojoye – Now a Pastor of TACN, Brother Job Oluyomi- Now a Pastor and the Progenitor of Bible Wonderland, Brother Thomas Olusegun Arowolo – Now an Elder in TACN, Brother Samson Adelowo Adekanmi, Late Brother David Makanjuola Apata, Brother Emmanuel Olutunde Fadesire – Now an Elder of TACN, Brother Emmanuel Kehinde Shodeinde, Late Brother Samuel Oluwatosin Sotade, Brother Gabriel Olusesan Johnson, Brother Samuel Oseni Kweme (a Ghanaian),  Brother Samuel Sunday Akintayo  (These were all classroom boys, leaving in the classroom that gave way for this Temple), Late Sister Victoria Olufemi Onabanjo, Sister Grace Olufunto Talabi, Sister Deborah Kehinde Adelabu, Sister Esther Foluke Ayanshina (Now Deaconess Ojoye – A Pastor’s wife), Sister Dorcas Abolanle Idowu, Sister Elizabeth Olusola Oyenuga (Now Akin-Dada) , Sister Priscilla Modupe Ukaiwe, Pastor James Effiong Okon – Group Leader.

Permit me to say that the Lord has returned me to Lagos to rekindle the flame of Evangelism. To RAISE the banner of The Apostolic Church as the Lord has given our father the LAWNA Territory Chairman the vision of RAISE. I am bold to say the flame of Evangelism is still burning in my spirit, and now in my return as the Superintendent, one of our missions will be Evangelism. I know that there are men and women, boys and girls who are ready to rekindle this flame and make Evangelism their priority in Lagos Area.  We really need to fill our Assemblies with people, and plant new Assemblies. Souls are perishing outside. 

We shall also make a priority to complete the remaining part of this edifice of Lagos Area Temple. Together we shall do it right. I, on behalf of the Ministers and Saints of Lagos Area sincerely appreciate the Saints in the Territory who have supported us in the construction of the Temple, All Areas in LAWNA Territory we say God will bless you immensely in Jesus Name. We shall surely submit our Report on the Project. We will be accountable for every kobo we have collected from you by the grace of God.

As the 10th Superintendent of Lagos Area I will build on the great work done by our Heroes of Faith who have Superintendent this great Area, such as Papa S. G. Adegoyega, Papa I. G. Sakpo, Papa C. A. Onabanjo and Papa E. S. Awojide and Papa S. G. O. Uyeh among others.  I will therefore focus on the following:

  1. The Work of Mission and Evangelism
  2. The Work of Discipleship – Building Human Capacity (spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically)
  3. I will encourage deep Fellowship of saints
  4. There will be deep and true Worship 
  5. I will encourage the saints to operate in the area of their strength, giving their Services to God how best they can without favor and prejudices.

I call on the Area Council Members, Ministers, Church Officers and Entire Saints in the Area to rise and imbibe this Vision and Mission Statement. I covet your buy-in and your cooperation to make the Lagos Area work again. Surely “Our Lagos Area will not be destroyed.”  I pray the Lord will help us to achieve all we have purposed in our hearts.  He will give us the strength and the wherewithal in Jesus Name, Amen.

Thank you all.

Pastor James Effiong Okon

10th Lagos Area Superintendent


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